Most enterprise applications have a need for a simple in-memory event bus which implements the observer pattern through the pub/sub pattern . RCommon implements a simple dependency-free event bus for this utility but there are some advantages to using Wolverine . Wolverine is a feature rich event bus/message bus implementation that offers event durability, multi-tenancy, among other useful utilities in distributed applications.
Copy using Examples . Messaging . Wolverine ;
using Microsoft . Extensions . Configuration ;
using Microsoft . Extensions . DependencyInjection ;
using Microsoft . Extensions . Hosting ;
using RCommon ;
using RCommon . EventHandling ;
using RCommon . EventHandling . Producers ;
using RCommon . Wolverine . Producers ;
using System . Diagnostics ;
using Wolverine ;
var host = Host .CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
.UseWolverine(options =>
options .LocalQueue( "test" );
.ConfigureAppConfiguration((context , builder) =>
ConfigurationContainer . Configuration = builder
.ConfigureServices(services =>
// Configure RCommon
services .AddRCommon()
.WithEventHandling < WolverineEventHandlingBuilder > (eventHandling =>
eventHandling .AddProducer < PublishWithWolverineEventProducer > ();
eventHandling .AddSubscriber < TestEvent, TestEventHandler > ();
await host .StartAsync();
catch ( Exception ex)
Console .WriteLine( ex .ToString());
Copy Console .WriteLine( "Example Starting" );
var eventProducers = host . Services .GetServices < IEventProducer > ();
var testEvent = new TestEvent ( DateTime . Now , Guid .NewGuid());
foreach ( var producer in eventProducers)
Console .WriteLine( $"Producer: {producer}" );
await producer .ProduceEventAsync(testEvent);
Console .WriteLine( "Example Complete" );
Console .ReadLine();
Copy using RCommon . EventHandling . Subscribers ;
using System ;
using System . Collections . Generic ;
using System . Diagnostics ;
using System . Linq ;
using System . Text ;
using System . Threading . Tasks ;
namespace Examples . Messaging . Wolverine
public class TestEventHandler : ISubscriber < TestEvent >
public TestEventHandler ()
public async Task HandleAsync ( TestEvent notification , CancellationToken cancellationToken = default )
Console .WriteLine( "I just handled this event {0}" , new object [] { notification .ToString() });
await Task . CompletedTask ;