You can use the unit of work pattern in your code by using the UnitOfWorkScope interface acquired by using the UnitOfWorkScopeFactory.
Copy var customer = new Customer { FirstName = "John" , LastName = "Doe" };
var salesPerson = new SalesPerson { FirstName = "Jane" , LastName = "Doe" , SalesQuota = 2000 };
// Setup required services
var scopeFactory = this . ServiceProvider .GetService < IUnitOfWorkScopeFactory > ();
using ( var scope = scopeFactory .Create( TransactionMode . Default ))
var customerRepo = this . ServiceProvider .GetService < IFullFeaturedRepository < Customer >> ();
repo . DataStoreName = "TestDbContext" ;
await customerRepo .AddAsync(customer);
var salesPersonRepo = this . ServiceProvider .GetService < IFullFeaturedRepository < SalesPerson >> ();
salesPersonRepo . DataStoreName = "TestDbContext" ;
await salesPersonRepo .AddAsync(salesPerson);
scope .Commit();
Any repository implemented in RCommon implicitly uses the Unit of Work pattern in a loosely coupled manner. The UnitOfWorkScope class essentially wraps TransactionScope so all the rules of using TransactionScope still apply.
In addition to being able to use the UnitOfWorkScope procedurally in your applications, you can also enlist the Unit of Work has a behavior in the MediatR pipeline:
Copy public class UnitOfWorkBehavior < TRequest , TResponse > : IPipelineBehavior < TRequest , TResponse >
where TRequest : IRequest < TResponse >
private readonly ILogger < UnitOfWorkBehavior < TRequest , TResponse >> _logger;
private readonly IUnitOfWorkScopeFactory _unitOfWorkScopeFactory;
private readonly IUnitOfWorkManager _unitOfWorkManager;
public UnitOfWorkBehavior ( IUnitOfWorkScopeFactory unitOfWorkScopeFactory , IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager ,
ILogger < UnitOfWorkBehavior < TRequest , TResponse >> logger)
_unitOfWorkScopeFactory = unitOfWorkScopeFactory ?? throw new ArgumentException ( nameof (IUnitOfWorkScopeFactory));
_unitOfWorkManager = unitOfWorkManager ?? throw new ArgumentException ( nameof (IUnitOfWorkManager));
_logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentException ( nameof (ILogger));
public async Task < TResponse > Handle ( TRequest request , CancellationToken cancellationToken , RequestHandlerDelegate < TResponse > next)
var response = default ( TResponse );
var typeName = request .GetGenericTypeName();
using ( var unitOfWork = this . _unitOfWorkScopeFactory .Create( TransactionMode . Default ))
_logger .LogInformation( "----- Begin transaction {UnitOfWorkTransactionId} for {CommandName} ({@Command})" ,
this . _unitOfWorkManager . CurrentUnitOfWork . TransactionId , typeName , request);
response = await next(); // Business logic and peristence happens here
_logger .LogInformation( "----- Commit transaction {UnitOfWorkTransactionId} for {CommandName}" ,
this . _unitOfWorkManager . CurrentUnitOfWork . TransactionId , typeName);
unitOfWork .Commit();
return response;
catch ( Exception ex)
_logger .LogError(ex , "ERROR Handling transaction for {CommandName} ({@Command})" , typeName , request);
throw ;
Copy ConfigureRCommon .Using( new DotNetCoreContainerAdapter ( builder . Services ))
.WithStateStorage < DefaultStateStorageConfiguration > ()
x .WithUnitOfWork < DefaultUnitOfWorkConfiguration > ()
.AddUnitOfWorkToMediatorPipeline() // Add Unit of Work to Mediator Pipeline
.WithPersistence < EFCoreConfiguration > (x =>
x .UsingDbContext < LeaveManagementDbContext > ());